Inbound marketing is creating content that will bring clients to your website using various search engines and inbound links. Your site needs to be full of fresh and relevant information that doesn’t sell as much as it educates. You want clients to feel like they found you, instead of feeling like you were invasive and hitting them with a marketing message. The greatest thing about inbound marketing is that, besides your time investment in creating content, it is free!

When you consider the cost and the ease of doing inbound marketing, where you are found by people who are already interested in learning about or are already shopping in your industry, having some inbound marketing ideas to take advantage of is a no-brainer.

Here are three great content ideas that will make your website a “go-to” place as opposed to a “drag-them-to” place:

1. Industry News

When making decisions, customers and clients will often investigate the industry itself. What are the new products? What companies are in the news? Fresh industry news content will be hit upon by search engines and will drive traffic to your website.

2. Company news

Go ahead and put it out there, this is one of those inbound marketing ideas that is simple, yet incredibly effective. Everything that is happening in your company, from new hires to retirees. Put a human face to your website, people want to know they are dealing with other human beings, and not just a computer monitor.

3. Product testimonials and customer stories

There is no amount of glittery and flowery sales talk that can replace a good, honest, real-life testimonial from a satisfied customer. Invite your customers and clients to share their stories on your website and watch as potential sales line up to read them.