Sometimes it is just unavoidable, you will have to speak publicly in front of an audience at some point in your life. It could be a group of close friends giving a toast, or large group presenting a topic you are an expert at. The situations are as wide as the ocean, but it’s almost a guarantee.

overcome fear public speaking - photo of man speaking into microphone looking at a paper speech

So, you’d rather die than to get up in front of an audience? Here are non-traditional three ways to help you build the confidence you need to get up in front of that audience!

1. Remember that they want you to do well

It will serve you well to remember that when you get up in front of an audience, they want you do crush it and hit it out of the park. First and foremost, most people are glad that you are in front giving the speech or presentation, and that they get to sit comfortably in their seat. Don’t worry, their turn will come someday.

During a public speaking course an instructor adamantly taught that you aren’t nervous when preparing to give a speech and during but are excited. The excitement building up in you might be making you “nervous”. While I thought that was an OK way to put it, even better is to remember that you are probably nervous, but let excitement take over. Let it wash over your body like a warm shower. It will help calm you down but energize you.

2. Wear your best outfit

Whatever the dress style calls for: casual, business casual, formal – dress that way. You know, if it’s with friends at a BBQ giving a toast to your BFF then you might be casual but pick your favorite or best outfit. At a business or formal event, take the time to carefully pick out an outfit that matches the event, and makes you look dazzling. There are plenty of fashion blogs and fashion magazines to give you tips but just rummage through your closet and pick something that you like.

Admit it, there are outfits that make you look better than others. Pick one that makes you look and feel great. Sure, beauty is in the eye of the beholder but knowing that you aren’t going to stand up and feel embarrassed about how you look does help boost confidence.

Quick sweaty armpit tip: If you tend to have sweaty armpits when nervous, wear a shirt that doesn’t show wet armpits. This helps greatly so you can lift your arms without stressing more. Remember those funny Sure Unsure commercials?

3. Prepare and be yourself

Sometimes you don’t have a chance to prepare much, in fact one of my favorite chances to get quick on my feet is at Toastmasters during table topics when you get to impromptu speak for 1-2 minutes. If you must speak on the spot, think clearly, talk audibly, and speak from the heart. Your intuition will get you through it and you can be funny, that helps!

Preparation for a speech is helpful. When time is available, prepare yourself and take time to practice as many times as you need to. What I do is write the entire speech out like a blog post (sometimes I use blog posts as speeches) and then read it audibly 5-10 times. Then slowly hide the written speech and do it yourself 5-10 or however many times you need.

I have a friend who “writes” the speeches in her mind and then practices that way. She organizes her thoughts and then goes for it. I admire that, and I am working to learn how to do it that way. The point is, choose a style that works for you!

Go for it! Work at getting over your fear of public speaking

You can do it. You won’t die when you get up there to speak, so seize the moment and have some fun. Humor can help get you through anything. Speaking in front of others is a wonderful way to grow and learn. In return the audience benefits from your knowledge and connects with you on a different level.

Question: What public speaking tips do you have? Any good stories of how you overcame your fears?

(Photo credit: ClintJCL)