5 Ways to Use Technology to Be the Change
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
When we make the decision to serve humanity, whether it be a singular effort as an individual or through a concentrated effort through an organization or company, the trickle down effects are positive and contagious. View it as a pay it forward system. Technology both solves and creates complex problems around the globe, and if done with care, can be harnessed for the greater good.
1. Make a micro loan. Services such as Kiva set out to change the lives of those whom desire to better themselves. Kiva accomplishes their mission by providing the connection between lender and the recipient and following through for repayment. Their use of technology entails a strong web presence and community of lenders. Visit Kiva
2. Find recycling centers and how to recycle. Sure you can probably find a local recycling center in the yellow pages, but the ad or listing won’t provide in depth information on how to recycle or what to expect. Earth911 provides a wealth of recycling information and a search-able directory to assist you in finding local recycling centers. Visit Earth911
3. Use blogging and social media for your cause. If you have a cause or need to get an important message out to the world, a blog along with a strong social media toolkit containing a X (formerly X (formerly Twitter)) account, Facebook page, and others as you see fit will help build the community and support necessary to make change happen. Its been done countless times before, and with our global culture becoming closer knit through Internet and mobile communications, its even more important now to educate yourself on how to use these tools, which they are, for your cause. Visit Blog Action Day
4. Mentor someone or provide assistance. We all bring something to the table. Some are expert pie makers, others are handy mechanics. In any event, you can provide mentor-ship, or even small bits of information that could be very valuable to another. By seeking out forums of interest, commenting on relevant blogs, and giving retweets, mentions, or replying to a question on X, you can further concrete your knowledge, validate your skill, and make someone’s day. Visit Virtual Volunteering FAQs
5. Read to someone or a group. As we all truly stand on the shoulders of giants, although it can be easy to forget, the technology of the printing press is one of the most important, if not the most influential, inventions to impact humanity. We may take it for granted, but should take any chance, and seek out opportunities to read to someone or a group, whether it is children, or even an adult who may be unable to read due to mental or physical challenge. I can attest that the fulfillment that comes from doing this outweighs what other things you could be or have filled up your time. Visit Reading to Kids We are all in this together and by leveraging technology, and good old fashioned hard work, can make a difference in others’ lives while fulfilling our own.