illustration photo of someone drawing on a clear board leading to successAs a business owner in today’s rapidly changing world you are faced with a lot more choices of how and where you can generate new customers.

Traditional media advertising such as newspapers, yellow pages, direct mail, TV, and radio can be prohibitively expensive and are less effective in producing the Return on Investment (ROI) that they did just five years ago.

An inbound marketing agency could be the answer you are seeking.

One of my favorite ads from a top telecommunication company states that 40% of small businesses have no visibility because they don’t have a website. I would like to add to that observation that another 40% of small business owners have a website that they don’t use effectively. The site functions as a passive brochure that only offers limited visibility to family, friends, and existing customers.

I will spare you explaining in detail all the buzzwords associated with what a good inbound marketing agency can offer, like search engine optimization, search engine marketing, content marketing, landing pages, lead nurturing, lead conversion and web analytics. Suffice it to say, if you aren’t participating in a program to aggressively drive traffic to your content rich web site you are missing one of the best and most cost-effective ways to reach new prospects.

Many small business owners are under the mistaken impression that because they have a local store front, most potential customers within ten or fifteen miles already know who they are, where they are located and what they offer. While it is true that if you have been in business for more than a year or two, 20% of your business probably comes from returning customers and another 20% comes from referrals or ”word of mouth”. It is the remaining 60% that an effective inbound marketing agency can drive to your business.

Engaging an experienced inbound marketing agency can help level the playing field for a small business owner with limited time and a limited budget by using that passive web site to drive prospects and converting them to new customers for your business.