exploring - photo of ice auger drilling hole for ice fishing

There is something about standing on a frozen body of water that both humbles you and gives a form of adrenaline rush at the same time.

As I was ice fishing with friends recently, I relate it to how in life and business we can sometimes be on seemingly stable, but potentially unpredictable platforms.

To get the needed results, in this case a fish, you have to drill holes in the stable, hardened surface.

To reach potential and probable gains in life we must be willing to “drill holes” and explore.

If you are launching a new product, copying your competitors is a bad idea. Focus on where you add the most value – the value proposition. With a focus on the value, you are delivering you will also be focusing on the best delivery of the product.

Don’t be afraid to carve out a few extra holes to find those lurkers that you might not have found otherwise.

Question: What is your experience with carving out “holes” in uncharted territories?

(photo credit: m.prinke)