Great Blog Article Ideas While Brushing Your Teeth
Sometimes the best blog article ideas you have come at the oddest of times and places.
By following the inbound marketing pathway, you can consistently over time generate more leads and convert those leads into customers. Great! But how can you get the momentum flowing? With a great content marketing strategy.
Your content marketing strategy could be as simple as writing out your blog article ideas on a piece of paper once a month, or as complex as a full out editorial calendar with multiple authors. Either way, just get to it and start generating content that your audience will love.
Don’t forget that at least twenty blog posts are enough to start generating leads as mentioned in our introduction to inbound marketing. Out of ideas? Just remember and take note of those wonderful ideas that you think of when you are brushing your teeth, in the shower, or driving down the road.
Come on admit it, I know that you frequently think about your business, competitors, customer experiences, life experiences and more that could turn into useful blog posts, articles, and information that your customers will enjoy. Who knows, maybe they will find and read your article while they are brushing their teeth too.