With eyes focused ahead, sweat on brow and the dry dusty air swirling overhead and a deep but calm breath inhaled in, the batter is ready.

Peering at the motion of the sly pitcher, I watch the threaded ball coming thundering towards me. As the synapses fire and adrenaline pump through my body, my spit fire reaction kicks in and a sweet sound roar. I watch the lofty baseball float fast and far, all the while running toward that stiff first base. Home run! Rounding the bases never felt so good, and the cheers and high fives waiting at the end make the experience worthwhile.

batter swinging the bat at baseball

Baseball flowed through my veins as a youth and teenager. I looked forward to the practices, the games, and the tournaments. Each experience was an opportunity to grow, push and challenge.

Life is a lot like baseball. We are thrown pitches and must decide how to react.

Find your ritual

Baseball players pride themselves on their home plate ritual. You know, the ritual that players can become known for. Think of Babe Ruth during his called shot. For me it was the same pattern over and over. The left foot scraped against the dirt back and forth twice, the right foot spun slightly as if to dig in for the impact. The elbow up and chin tucked in.

When you get up to the proverbial home plate of life, be ready. If you catch yourself not ready, do so in a hurry. This is the time to observe and focus, tune out the noise and bear down. You have work to do. If you put your work in and put a spice of passion in there, the sweet spot of the bat when swung at the right time will do marvels. Those home runs feel good.

Try not to stress the strike outs

Strikes out happen to the best of the best. Believe me, I know firsthand the embarrassment and frustration of how some strike outs feel. This isn’t always the end of the world but can sure feel like it at times. Poor sports react badly, might blame the umpire or the bat. Would you believe that? How can someone blame the device that is meant to be commanded to do its job? It won’t do it for you.

Take the base hits

Hitting a base hit can be viewed as progress. Sure, while you only proceed one base, you could have possibly pushed the third base runner home! Many times, base coaches strategically tell their batters to get a base hit. Oh, you thought everyone was aiming for the fence.

Aim for the fence

Just as everyone might not be aiming for the fence, as it might strategically make sense at the moment, there is always success with aiming for the fence, whether its literal or capped. Take the opportunity to pump yourself up and aim for the best. Achieve something that will make you proud. Work through the hard moments and champion the chance to come out greater on the other side.

(Photo credit: Roger Smith)