business website management - photo woman working on laptopThe ability to update your website when changes are necessary is often a top priority. If hours have changed, staff shifted, or you just want to give the text a refresher have you found that currently it is difficult to update your website?

You can quickly and simply update your website with a content management system. A content management system or CMS is designed to make it easy to update, publish and make changes to a website without in-depth knowledge of HTML, business website design, or maintaining a server. Some compare using a CMS (content management system) to creating a Microsoft Word document, for example.

Banishing a hard to update website

When a website is hard to update a couple of things happen. First the website is typically outdated, doesn’t have correct information such as updated phone numbers and email addresses, and doesn’t have that fresh feel for your repeat visitors. Second, you could be dealing with the frustration that you want to make changes and refresh things, but it’s either too costly to constantly have someone make even simple changes, or it consumes much of your time going back and forth.

The time + money it often takes to go back and forth with these changes isn’t often worth it.

Suddenly the thousands of dollars you spent on a great looking website doesn’t seem like such a great idea.

What self-editing capabilities really means

Let’s face it. Not everyone can design and code a website. You have many options but often as a business owner you want the best result, weighted by the investment and time, over the return on that investment.

What is the ideal scenario? The ideal scenario is to have a professionally designed website sitting on a business website manager, a content management system.

The value is two fold. You have a great looking website that is uniform throughout, and second you can make basic changes to the things you really care about, the content!

Overall ROI

When you can spend less time and money on making simple changes, you can focus on the bigger picture: inbound marketing. With inbound marketing your company can focus on bringing in new business while at the same time nurturing those existing client and customer relationships. The fresh content, unique perspective on your blog, and simple visual changes will encourage past website visitors to come back again and engage through your blog, or social media.

Your investment here is longer term and more viable and allows you to focus on what you do best: your business.

(photo credit: Ed Yourdon)