Keystone Content: Which of your content is driving traffic?
When creating and publishing content for your audience, you put in the effort, come up with a topic of interest – typically helping solve a real need, or answering a question. So, to that end what content is driving the bulk of your website traffic?
I’ve often found, when digging into marketing analytics, there are certain trends around your content marketing efforts to be watchful for. One of these is keystone content.
Keystone content typically drives a high percentage of your website traffic over a given period of time, say 6 months to 1 year. You will often see it perform well in organic search, as well as referring, and social media traffic. When the average blog post might be driving 2% of traffic in a period, this one might be driving upwards of 25% of your overall traffic.
What is the importance? You can’t always predict what is going to fully resonate with your audience. However, by analyzing content trends in marketing analytics you can usually find the content that resonates the best with your audience. Then, you can decide from there what to do.
(photo credit: Chris Talbot)
Question: What content themes have you found to resonate with your audience?