Believe it or not, I’m sitting here thinking about bubble wrap, and how it applies to us as humans. Bubble wrap is an interesting thing. You look at it you see there are hundreds, or even thousands of bubbles to pop and you think ooh if I could pop even one of those then it’ll pop! You get a little reaction and a little reaction there.

It’s fun. Who doesn’t like to pop bubble wrap? If you don’t then there is something wrong with you.

How does it apply to us as humans? We have so many different interests, so many different realities, so many different perceptions, so many different things that we’re faced with. We are like bubble wrap. We are spread across a plane and spread across a variety of challenges. A variety of obligations, things that we must do, things that we’d like to do, things that we are unable to do, and things that we are able to do, and aren’t doing.

So, do we reach out to the whole layout of the bubble wrap and pop that one that’s within reach, or do you try to pop the bubble that is on the farthest right? A little out of reach, but you know that when you get it, it will be worth it. That one is the good one right there. That one will make you the happiest. That one will be the best one for you that day.

Stephen Covey, in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, talks about the paradigm shift. A paradigm shift often happens when you reach for that farthest right bubble, and you finally pop it.

When you pop it, you are done, however there are thousands more bubbles to pop! Hundreds more, thousands more… they are always there.

Question: Are you reaching for the farthest bubble?