For years catalogs were the shopping malls and store fronts for those living in rural areas that could not get to town during the long winter months out on the farm. Children and adults would spend hours poring through Sears and Roebuck Catalogs looking for items that they wanted, needed, and were interested in. In the age of modern eCommerce, things have changed dramatically.

That was then, this is now.

We have a wonderful opportunity at this point, to comparison shop instantly from thousands of online vendors and stores to find that perfect something or another, to buy for a friend, colleague, or family member.

Certainly, brick and mortar stores are often thriving well with door buster sales and thousands of dollars invested in advertising campaigns, but the eCommerce shift has changed the landscape forever.

How to capitalize on the shift in shopping

Small businesses often have a disadvantage in the number of budgets they must allocate to growing their business. It can be hard to justify thousands of dollars of advertising in hopes that it will spur greater interest from your potential buyers.

I’ve talked to business owners that have seen little to no return on the expensive campaigns they carefully put together and invested much time, resources, and money into. Some have seen a moderate return, but not enough to justify their continued shot in the dark campaigns.

Give the buyers what they want

Give your potential buyers what they want. Although initially it appears people are only interested in the lowest rock-bottom price, what is it that they are really interested in? Excellent value backed up by a brand that stands by their product. Hasn’t that always been the case?

Think back to your own shopping experiences, wouldn’t you rather pay a little more from a reputable, engaging brand that gives you a value that other brands don’t seem to have? In other words, you don’t have to be the lowest price on the market to have success, but you have to strive to be the best value on the market.

Building value around a product / service

Statistics prove buyers desire to have an engaging buying experience. How can you offer to your consumer that which is both valuable to them, and at a value that gives you a increasing profit margin?

Do this: be K.I.N.D.

Keep the promise

Keep the promise that your brand touts. If you say you offer fast service, stick to it.


When you run an online marketing campaign to drive new business, at least make it interesting. Whether you spice it up visually, with compelling copy, or offers that can’t be refused, capture the interest of your buyer.


Quick, act natural, your buyers are coming! Everyone talks about being natural and keeping it real. Do it. There are so many faceless brands that don’t show the human business which people want to connect with.


Out drive your competitors on the range. There isn’t any reason that should hold you back from those that are in your market. Inbound marketing allows you to outthink and outsmart bigger brands that may be garnering all of the attention. Stop trying to please everyone and go after the niche of buyers that you really want to focus on.

Marketing takeaway

Spending the time and resources, as well as investing in your business through employing the tools and expertise to help you leverage the world of online marketing can make the difference between peddling forward and back peddling.

The shift has happened, your grandma might still turn to the catalog from time to time, and admittedly the paper turning in your hands is sometimes a luxury that is almost nostalgic. Don’t discount the impact that technology such as mobile device demographics and use and online shopping have changed the landscape. Be ahead of the pack and thrive on it.