The pat on the back. A kind gesture, thumbs up, or high five. Verbal compliment. What do these all have in common? They are sunlight for the human soul.

two men standing on a street

Recently an insightful speaker at a Toastmasters meeting painted a clear picture of the importance of praise. Particularly how to deliver it. Besides being identified as a basic human need, thanks to Maslow, it’s also an effective means to better connect with others.

Connecting is life. Offline and online, whether done masterfully, or done carelessly, it happens.

You can draw a parallel between lying in the warm sun, soaking in the rays, and feeling content, to the cup that fills up when you receive praise. It feels the same way when you deliver it. Especially when it’s needed. When is it needed? Frequently.

Praising another doesn’t have to be sitting around the campfire singing kumbaya, but it does need to be offered up freely, because those who receive it benefit from an acknowledgement which in return will offer better respect and loyalty to your connection. Try it, it’s contagious.

So, how do you deliver it without feeling cheesy or overdone? Simple, make it fit. Fit the moment, fit the situation.

(Photo credit: Carlo Nicora)