Social Media: Go Where People Are or Go Where Your People Are?
One of the things I’ve observed in the realm of social media marketing is that many marketing experts debate where you should focus your marketing efforts. This stems from a variety of opinions, experiences, and where their target market’s “hang out”.
Social media marketing puts businesses where consumers hang out. As marketers we love the plethora of information available from status updates, profile information, and other pools of data. Our society has become adept to weeding out the crap, and shoveling in the good, high quality information. Cream rises to the top.
If you look at the following chart comparing traffic metrics of Facebook, LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) in the light of sheer volume of people to market to you might right off the bat say, lets jump on Facebook! They have massive amounts of traffic, wahoo
Now of course there are many other social networks that deserve attention, but for sake of making a point, those three are the ones chosen.
Go where your people are
Taking a holistic approach to Internet marketing and social media marketing is key to success for any business or individual. But taking the time to find out where your target market “hangs out” is critical.
Take a look at the following world map of social networks, courtesy of
You probably see at least some social networks on the map that you’ve never heard of, I know I did. The key is to find out where your market is and to listen, participate and act upon where they are.