Social Media Policy Making: Principles
A social media policy should exist with two purposes: to help set boundaries, and to create brand ambassadors within an organization. There are three key principles that should be included in every social media policy.
1. Be smart
“Have fun, but be smart.” – One of the principles in Coca-Cola’s social media policy
Much can be learned from others. Respect others, treat them with respect. If you share something online be sure to also link to the source. Give credit where credit is due. It’s OK to share ideas, which is one of social media’s strong points. Be cautious, when necessary, but in general don’t be afraid to be open and transparent.
2. Teach others
Everyone should be taught the policy and teach it to others.
People, make business happen. Your workforce has the ability to create a stronghold of positive communication through your people. Teach the benefits and boundaries of the policy, but don’t let it hamper their ability to spread good news about the business. This word of mouth will drive positive communication and lower average cost per lead.
3. Connect the dots
Make it understandable.
Don’t leave people wondering how a social media policy (SMP) affects them. Give them the information necessary. Set boundaries but allow freedom. A good social media policy will connect the dot and point to other internal policies that relate as well. Keep the SMP separate but connected.
Marketing Takeaway
Social media has forever changed the way we communicate. Technology, as it continues to innovate, will spur further evolving ways for brands to connect with people and people to connect with brands. Could it be that brands are becoming more humanlike, taking on a persona of their own?
While it is important for good business to take place behind policies and procedures, take care and not to limit carelessly the freedoms that can help grow your company through use of social media. Give boundaries without hampering benefits.