Can you quantify your social media and networking efforts? Yes? No? Maybe? There isn’t a right or wrong answer.

There are those who have tried, tested, and proven that social networking works for them. It may be the core of their leads and referrals, or at least significant enough where could answer the above question with a big yes. Others, not so much, kind of a meh, still trying to figure it out, don’t have the time and are hoping so. Of course, there are always, and some legitimately, a big stinkin’ no. This could be for any imaginable reason, maybe it truly does not work for them, and there is a chance they flubbed their efforts.

Is social networking making you money? This question posed, in a recent article by Martha Retallick, makes a clear point that if you aren’t out there networking with your target market, whether this be online or offline, then you are essentially wasting your time. Taking time away from where you could be allocating to potentially a better target. Are you getting leads from peers or colleagues? Is your business thriving because of the time spent networking online with an old acquaintance? As an insightful commenter stated, “I don’t put all of my eggs in one basket.”

Social networking and media can be important components of an organization and individual’s overall branding and marketing strategy. Income is necessary, and critical, to keep business and life going, observe where your energy is being spent, use time wisely, leverage the contacts you make and be useful to others, and social networking will work, in a profitable way.