Your Account Is In Good Standing
You know the feeling. When you get an invoice in the mail from one of your service providers, you wonder as you are opening it, what is really inside of that little plastic window?
An invoice that I receive regularly contains a simple, but brief communication blurb that says “We appreciate customers like you who pay on time. Your account is in good standing.” While this gives me the added reassurance that I am staying on the ball and making sure they get their money on time, there is another element within the statement.
Having been a customer for over 5 years, I can recall that the first invoice statement I received from them had the same phrase on it. While it is possible that the wording could have been modified, that isn’t important, and would likely go unnoticed.
The overall theme is that customers, clients, friends, and family like two things: consistency and reassurance. A consistent message, whether through a mission or value statement, speaks volumes. Reassurance, not the type to coax a scared animal out of a corner, but rather the undeniable truth of the matter, presented with a useful fact.
Try it. Put it into practice. Be more genuine, show an added measure of transparency, and put value in someone’s, or an organizations day.